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Electronics. A Systems Approach
The Cave of the Nymphs at Pharsalus: Studies on a Thessalian Country Shrine (Brill Studies in Greek and Roman Epigraphy)
Targeting: The Challenges Of Modern Warfare
Practical Soldiers: Israel S Military Thought and Its Formative Factors (History of Warfare)
Netherlands Annual Review of Military Studies 2015: The Dilemma of Leaving: Political and Military Exit Strategies (NL ARMS)
Napoleon And The Operational Art Of War: Essays In Honor Of Donald D. Horward (History Of Warfare)
Military Missions in Democratic Latin America (Politics, Economics, and Inclusive Development)
Military Ethics: What Everyone Needs To Know®
Imagining Babylon: The Modern Story of an Ancient City (Studies in Ancient Near Eastern Records Saner)
Defeating Jihad: The Winnable War